Drug Possession

Austin Drug Possession Defense Lawyer

The State of Texas views drug possession as a serious criminal offense. Penalties for possession of drugs and paraphernalia can range from probation to prison time. When charged with criminal possession of drugs, your best offense is an aggressive defense. At the Austin Law Offices of Jeff Senter, PC, we provide representation for minors and adults charged with drug possession.

What Can the Right Defense do for You?
Contact the Law Offices of Jeff Senter, PC to Find Out

For drug possession charges and other drug crimes, we provide strong representation to protect our clients' rights and their best interests. The goal at our firm is to help clients avoid prison while obtaining the treatment and services they need.

With a first offense, we strongly advocate the use of treatment programs as a first line of defense. From outpatient programs, such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous to inpatient programs or state divert programs including SAFP/Safe-P, offer individuals the chance to obtain treatment and possibly avoid final criminal conviction, and if court ordered, will be paid for by the state. Other program's costs may be covered by insurance, making it more affordable.

Protecting Clients' Rights in Drug Possession Cases

In every case, we thoroughly examine the facts of the investigation and arrest of our clients. This not only assists us in building a strong case, but also in determining if your Constitutional rights were violated in the process.

Whether you were falsely accused, were in the wrong place at the wrong time or made a bad decision, Attorney Jeff Senter and the legal team at our firm are here to help. Our clients come from a broad spectrum of life, including students at local junior colleges and universities such as:

  • University of Texas at Austin
  • St. Edwards University
  • Concordia University
  • Texas State
  • Southwestern

Contact Us

If you have been charged with possession of drugs such as methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine or steroids, our firm is here to help. Available to our clients twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, we are here for you. Contact us to schedule a free initial consultation.

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